
Based in Sugar Land, Texas, Osx Uninstaller is dedicated to creating desktop tools to help Mac users worldwide to keep their Mac devices in good shape, by completely deleting the associated files in a completely automated way, freeing up disk space, and restoring performance.

For nearly ten years, we've continually polished the core removal capability, refined methods, and added new features to build Osx Uninstaller as an essential utility for Mac users, at least useful and helpful when they want to get rid of the annoying apps and turn to use our best-in-class Osx Uninstaller. Our in-house developing team is small, and most of them have been developing Mac apps for years and becoming more and more dedicated. However, they're always passionate about improving our product and providing technical support to resolve the issues when using Osx Uninstaller, and are very appreciative of the support by our paid customers over the years. Everyone at Osx Uninstaller believes: though we're not as big as other companies in the US, we try to build and provide a meaningful solution to help our users. That is what matters.

Get the top-rated and most cost-efficient Mac uninstaller forever, an essential tool at an one-time cost

A purpose-built utility built for complete app removal: overview app status, sort out rare & unused apps, and delete the app in 2 steps - all intuitively simplified, refined and integrated into an organized, easy-to-use tool. Osx Uninstaller pricing is one of the most cost-efficient models in the market, allowing you to purchase once and use everything of Osx Uninstaller forever at an incredible one-time cost.